Sunday, December 1, 2013

Facial hair and tips to cover and hide.

Good morning my sparkly peeps, 

Well I know I promised a post on facial hair in woman and the best ways to cover it up that I have tried. But first will start with what it is in most cases etc. 

The normal amount of body hair for women varies. Most of the time, a woman only has fine hair, or peach fuzz, above the lips and on the chin, chest, abdomen, or back. If you have coarse, dark hairs in these areas, the condition is called hirsutism. Such hair growth is more typical of men.
Us women normally produce low levels of male hormones (androgens). Unfortunatly if your body makes too much of this hormone, you may have unwanted hair growth.
In most cases, the exact cause is never identified. It tends to run in families. In general, hirsutism is a harmless condition. But for many of us women we find it bothersome, or even embarrassing.
A common cause of hirsutism like in my case  is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). For us with PCOS, like many other hormone conditions that cause unwanted hair growth may also have acne, problems with menstrual periods, trouble losing weight, and diabetes. If these symptoms start suddenly, you may have a tumor that releases male hormones.
Hirsutism is generally a long-term problem. There are a number of ways to remove or treat unwanted hair. Some treatment effects last longer than others.
  • Weight loss in overweight women can reduce hair growth.
  • Bleaching or lightening hair may make it less noticeable.
Temporary hair removal options include:
  • Shaving does not cause more hair to grow, but the hair may look thicker, plus darker more course and we can be left with sore painful red skin.
  • Plucking and waxing are fairly safe and are not expensive. However, they can be painful and there is a risk for scarring, swelling, and skin darkening.Downside to this method is red skin, and having to left the hair grow longer than if you shave. 
  • Chemicals may be used, but most have a bad odor, and I mean a really bad odor that so gets up your nose and lingers lol. 

Having said all that my prefered daily method is to shave. I have far to much to pluck, have funny skin so dont want to mess around with chemicals so for me shaving is the most convenient. My biggest tip for shaving is don't use shaving cream foams gels etc. Here follows my best hints and tips for a smooth shave and makeup tips.

 The morning shower is perfect. Before touching a razor blade, wet your face with warm water and then gently exfoliate. You don't need any fancy product to do it, get some soap on your fingers (Dove beauty bar works just fine) and gently rub them in small circles all over the area to be shaved. This loosens up dead skin cells and loose hairs, making your job easier.
Now for your shaving medium. Don't spend money on shaving cream. It sucks. Use moisturizing lotion. If you have sensitive skin, get the kind for that. Anyway, spread that as you would shaving cream. Don't wash it off. Now get your razor.
I'd recommend investing in a decent razor with both a row of blades  but multi-blade disposable will also work. Wet it in the water. Go slow, with short strokes, and wash the blade of hair frequently Start by stroking downward, towards your shoulders. Do that in columns, taking care to match the contours of your face. You'll get a closer shave that way. Work to the outside of your lips.

The area under your lips and your chin is one of the more difficult spots on the face to do. Be patient, work slowly, and use downward strokes at first. You'll also want to remember your neck, it sucks going through your day and realizing you've still got bristles under your chin. Then you want to do the area between your nose and lips. 
When you've done everything with downward strokes, switch to upward strokes. I don't feel the need to reapply moisturizer at this point, but you may if you wish. On the upstrokes you'll likely find a lot that the downward strokes missed. I also use sidestrokes for my jawline, because it's difficult to get a clean shaving line going on such difficult geometry.
 Now to concealing the shadow that's left! This next bit is about makeup.
Now you're out of the shower and your face is dry. Hopefully you didn't cut yourself, which I always seem to do at some point lol. Give your whole face another thin application of moisturizer. Whenever you're ready to do your makeup, before you do your concealer, if you have  very thick dark hair you may need to take a neutral-to-light colored lipstick (something that just barely stands out against your skin) and draw it down in short strokes above your upper lip. This seems to be the biggest problem area, although mine is my chin. Then do your concealer and mix some with the lipstick. This will go a long way in concealing that persistent shadow. Combined with a foundation and some powder, it should be quite concealed. You also might try accentuating other parts of your face to draw attention elsewhere. 
Cream full coverage foundations work the best. Some of my go to brands are Max Factor Facefinity, L'oreal True match and Maybelline Dream satin and Dream cream foundations. If you find these feel to heavy on your face another tip is to use them on the problem areas and a lighter foundation on the rest of your face and blend it really well. I tend to do this with the dream cream foundation. 
Well thats enough from me for today I am off to pamper my face and do my makeup for the day. What are you guys gonna be upto? 
Do you have any products, rituals you would recommend? 

What ever you are doing stay safe have fun and Sparkle 

Love Vikkie

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